Swee Hin Power Systems Pte Ltd is a solution and equipment provider in DC and backup power systems. Our product range comprises industrial batteries, rectifiers, inverters, UPS and various types of converter systems. Applications widely covered by our products and solutions are:
Motive power for material handling equipment and electric vehicles
Switch-tripping and DC load backup for utilities and automation
DC load backup for telecommunication equipment
AC load backup for industries, IT facilities, elevators and lightings
To ensure a wide product coverage for our customers, we are a manufacturer and distributor of our proprietary branded products, as well as a distributor of imported brands. Our portfolio comprises APOLLON-DIAMOND industrial batteries and converters, DIAMOND automotive batteries, ROCKET Traction and Deep Cycle Batteries and TS PREMIUM SERIES Traction Batteries.
We were founded in 1942 in Singapore and started trading automotive and industrial batteries in the early 1950s. We began manufacturing the Emergency Battery Operated Power Supply equipment (EBOPS) for elevators in the 1970s and various DC power supply systems, such as industrial battery chargers since the 1980s.
Over the years, we have expanded our product range, product development capabilities and geographical reach. Our sales and services network covers Singapore and South East Asia.
In 1994 we became one of the first providers of accessibility equipment (stairlifts, platform lifts and home lifts) in Singapore. Driven by the implementation of Singapore’s Barrier-Free Access Code, our ageing population and growth in the construction industry, this business grew rapidly in recent years. To provide better focus, we spun-off this business in 2010 to Swee Hin Elevator Pte Ltd.
Thank you for visiting our website! Please do not hesitate to call us at 62616688 or email md@sweehin.com.sg for further information.
Sea snail Mexican golden trout, tapetail orbicular batfish three spot gourami drum horn shark combtooth
Dace Pacific hake sailbearer butterflyfish cobia mahi-mahi. Spiderfish Long-finned sand diver
Allan wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye poolfish
Alooh European perch--elephantnose fish bango snake mudhead dhufish sixgill shark barbeled
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel
3, Kian Teck Way,
Singapore 628732
Tel: +65-6261 6688
Sales Hotline: +65 97538292
Fax: +65 62655998
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